A workbook with everything you need in for Edexcel A-Level Politics course. This was made with remote learning in mind, with quick quizzes for every lesson, guided reading activities and exam questions. Around 20-22 hours worth of lessons included within the workbook.
A workbook with everything you need in for Edexcel A-Level Politics course. This was made with remote learning in mind, with quick quizzes for every lesson, guided reading activities and exam questions. Around 16-18 hours worth of lessons included within the workbook.
A complete workbook for the Edexcel A-Level course for the unit of democracy and participation. Includes recall quizzes for each lesson, activities and exam questions. Roughly 10-12 weeks worth of lessons included depending on how many hours per week you teach the unit.
A complete set of exam notes ideal for revision and for students to use along side their textbooks and lesson content that covers the following for USA politics;
- Electoral process and direct democracy
- Political parties
- Pressure groups
- Voting behavior
Includes every past exam question for AQA (can be tweaked for Edexcel and OCR) and exemplar exam answers that would achieve full marks.
An excellent workbook that takes students through pressure groups in the USA. Looks at all aspects of the AQA specification including comparisons with political parties, roles and functions, and what makes pressure groups successful. Includes all past exam questions and also some additional reading on PACs. Can be tweaked to be used on the Edexcel course too. A really useful resource for students studying A-Level Politics.
A work booklet looking at political parties in the UK. Includes key words and an overview of each political party. Includes up-to-date examples, and can be used alongside the AQA or Edexcel specification. Great resource for students (also your planning done as it is all planned for you!).
Ideal for the Edexcel Government and Politics course, for the People and Politics unit. This lesson looks at the history of Conservatism and how it has developed over time. Includes a venn diagram activity, lots of group work and a 25 mark exam question for students to consolidate their knowledge.
This bundle covers the three main political parties, their history and what they stand for today. Ideal to use with Edexcel's Government and Politics course for Unit 1.
Complete lessons of the US Constitution, including an end of unit knowledge test and a revision clock for the unit. Lessons focus on guided reading meaning students can independently complete these activities.
A workbook with everything you need in for Edexcel A-Level Politics course. This was made with remote learning in mind, with quick quizzes for every lesson, guided reading activities and exam questions. Around 20-22 hours worth of lessons included within the workbook.
A workbook with everything you need in for Edexcel A-Level Politics course. This was made with remote learning in mind, with quick quizzes for every lesson, guided reading activities and exam questions. Around 16-18 hours worth of lessons included within the workbook.
*Bundle buy*
Am selling each of these resources (workbooks) separately, but am also offering them as a whole bundle for a discounted price.
Work booklets for the following modules
- Voting behaviour
- Political parties
- Pressure groups
- Elections
Can be used for AQA or Edexcel (would need slight tweaking).
Excellent resources that saves your planning - if a student is missing you tell them which lesson in the workbook you completed and all of the information is there for you!
A work book that explores elections, referendums and electoral systems in the UK. It looks at the different types of electoral systems and the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Includes up-to-date turnout figures, and includes challenge extensions for those students looking to achieve high grades (A/B).
Includes key words. Can be used for either the Edexcel or AQA specification.
An excellent resource booklet that takes students through voting behaviour in the USA. Gives examples, extended reading and activities for students to complete. Includes all past exam questions. An outstanding resource that really helped my students!
A PowerPoint looking at the differences between representative and direct democracy. The idea is that this would be used over 2 lessons, and students look at exam questions too.
Teacher notes to accompany the lesson
A PowerPoint and resources examining the question 'is there a democratic deficit in the UK?'
Card sort for students and a comprehensive table looking at measures that could improve democracy in the UK
A work booklet that takes students through UK voting behaviour and participation. It looks at turnout figures, why participation is low, influences upon voting behaviour (short-term and long-term factors). Includes second-order elections and key terms. A great resource to accompany students through AS British politics.
Ideal for the Edexcel Unit 1 (People and Politics) A-Level course (adaptable to other specs), this lesson looks at the features and functions of political parties today. Students consolidate their knowledge by answering a 10 mark exam question.
Ideal for the Edexcel Government and Politics course, for the People and Politics unit. This lesson looks at the history of Liberalism and how it has developed over time. Looks at policies during the coalition and then and a 25 mark exam question on the coalition for students to consolidate their knowledge.
Ideal for the Edexcel Government and Politics course, for the People and Politics unit. This lesson looks at the history of Socialism and how it has developed over time. Includes a venn diagram activity, lots of group work and a 25 mark exam question for students to consolidate their knowledge.